Metropolitan is happy to offer meditation classes to its roster of relaxation services.
It is easy with our busy lives and many distractions to lose ourselves, feel overwhelmed and not connected. Meditation not only brings focus and clarity to our lives but also creates a softness around our edges and helps gather the many strewn parts of ourselves into the present moment where everything is OK and we can stand strong in our knowing and feel happy and whole.

Beginners are welcome to the classes.
Pre-registration is a must for these classes.
Each session is $26 • A pass of 6 for $129

Gemstone water provided.

These classes are open to the public so please feel free to invite your friends.
We have meditation classes once a month with exception to June July and August.
The meditations will vary in topics from Chakra, Optimal Health, Forgiveness, Prosperity and Guided Meditation.

About Meditation

Chakra meditation. Learn to clear your 10 major chakras (energy centers) as well as some minor ones… e.g. hands/feet. How many times have we felt overwhelmed in life? Many times it is because we carry other peoples energy as well as our own traumas. This meditation clears our space, connects us to our own wisdom, relieves confusion and feels like we have had a delicious inner shower… flowing into a very peaceful expanded state.

Meditate using a mantra and mala beads. We will explore several mantras (specific words to focus our minds) as well as the use of mala beads (108 beads each of which we move with our thumb to assist in stilling the mind) so we can bathe in the clarity and peace we all carry inside. Great to do every morning or anytime for focus and happiness. We will have malas to use or buy.

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